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8 Content Marketing Secrets to Succeed

Yes, content is what drives interest and action for your online business, but if you want to be a really effective content marketer, there are some things you really should know if you want to succeed (the best internet marketers in the field are already aware of and doing these things)…

8 Content Marketing Secrets Your Top Competitors are Leveraging to Succeed

    1. Writing content is only half the job. The other half is promoting your content. You’ll do best when you invest as much time promoting your content as you do writing it.

    2. Content that is at least 2,000 words tends to rank a good deal higher on Google than content that is less than 2,000 words.

    3. Depending on the niche, infographics will often produce a better return on investment than any other form of content.

    4. Content marketing, once started, must be continued to see results. If you aren’t consistent with your content, traffic will drop and you’ll lose ground.

    5. Write blog posts as though you’re talking to your friends – not as though you’re trying to impress a teacher or professor.

    6. Time-based or news-related content can get you some quick traffic. But evergreen content that continues to be relevant for months and years produces the best long-term results.

    7. Regardless of your niche, it’s a great idea to consistently guest post on other blogs to build links and traffic.

    8. Link out to other sites from within your content – even if it’s your competitor’s site. Your goal is to benefit the reader and if you do a good job of that, your content will be shared and attract more visitors and followers into your circle of influence.

    If you truly expect your content to drive consistent traffic and sales for your online business, take these tips to heart as you develop and apply your online marketing plan.

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