Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

A Make Money Business Model with No Website

As always, your profits and results might vary, but here’s what Rainy (not her real name) is achieving with one day of work per week so keep on reading…

Case Study: $2,500/Month with No Website

She creates a product each week which she then sells to just 25 people at $25 each. Limiting the number of copies sold creates scarcity, and she usually sells out in about half a day.

You can do this if you have an internet email marketing list or an internet marketing social media group like Facebook. The point is you need an audience to offer this to, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a list.

In Rainy’s case she doesn’t even have a website. When she offers the product each week, she does it through a Facebook Group and her own small list. She instructs buyers to send her the money through PayPal and then post on Facebook that they’re in.

This creates excitement as people see the copies are being snapped up. Anyone on the fence about buying realizes they better jump in quick or they’ll lose out.

The product Rainy creates each week is a directory of the top offers in online marketing for the week. She gives the names, URL’s, descriptions, conversion rates, backgrounds of the authors and her own personal insights. This information is super valuable to anyone who promotes internet marketing products to their list.

But it’s also valuable to the people on these lists, which is why Rainy gives PLR rights to the weekly directory. Buyers can give it away or sell it without rights, and they know it won’t be saturated because only 25 copies are sold.

At least a couple of her regular customers offer these reports as freebies to get internet marketers to join their list, and it’s quite effective. Essentially, they are paying $25 every week or two to provide fresh, timely content to their new subscribers.

Of course, if you want to follow this business model, you don’t necessarily need to write about the latest offering in online marketing. Anything that is timely and of interest to others has potential.

And if you find that your weekly offerings are selling well, you might consider launching them into a paid membership, too, for even more money.

So, if you are still wondering “Should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

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