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Where the BIG Money is Made Online

I can’t stress the importance of what I’m about to tell you enough. If you look at entrepreneurs who have made fortunes – I mean SERIOUS wealth – in almost every case the money came not from inside the business, but from SELLING the business.
Where the BIG Money is Made Online

You’ve heard numerous news stories of internet companies selling just 1-3 years after their initial start-up. And the businesses you hear about sell for 7, 8 and even 9 figures.

If this sounds out of reach right now, picture this scenario: You start a business today, and in 6 months to 2 years you sell it for 6 figures. Would that make a great payday for you?

Now you might be thinking that selling your business is something you don’t need to worry about until long after you start it. Not so.

If you are starting a business right now, you should also be considering your exit strategy. After all, you could get bored with what you’re doing and want out. Or maybe you need quick cash. Or you decide to go in an entirely different direction. So you decide to sell your business.

If you’ve laid the groundwork, you should be able to sell quite quickly and for a very good price.

Here’s what you need to know:

– Don’t think of it as flipping a website. Think of it as selling a BUSINESS. That’s because buyers don’t want a website. They can build their own website cheap enough.

What they do want is a ready to go, money-generating cash-cow business, so make your plans accordingly.

– Make your business transferable from Day 1. Every product should be its own entity – after all, a single product can actually be an entire business.

Give it a website of its own, its own list, its own customer base, its own affiliate program and affiliate list, etc.

– Don’t brand it exclusively with your name. It’s fine to attach your name to your XYZ product, but don’t call it “yournameproduct.”

In other words, “Bob Smith’s Traffic Gorilla Mania Course” is fine. “Bob Smith’s traffic course” is not. In the first case, the product is Traffic Gorilla Mania, a name that anyone can sell. In the second case, the product is Bob Smith’s Traffic, a product forever branded as belonging to Bob Smith.

Imagine you’re Bob Smith, and you sell your traffic course business to someone else. That person then sells the course. Who do people ask for help? You. After all, your name is on the course.

Then let’s say the buyer alters the course and now it stinks. Who will people blame? You. Now you see why your name needs to be completely separate from the product name.

Yes, it’s a bit strange to think about your exit strategy when you’re just starting a business. But when it comes time to sell, you’ll be glad you did.

One more thing – what if you have a partner?

Write into your agreement what will happen if you sell. Just look at the possibilities and agree on how it will play out if one of you wants to sell to the other, or if you both want to sell to a third party.

You can make a good amount of money by making each of your businesses as stand-alone as possible, and then selling them when the time is right. In fact, selling your business can potentially earn you more than you made running the business.

So plan ahead, and make sure you are building your business-selling exit strategy directly into your business itself!

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Do Before Learning? The Six-Figure Hack

If you were a college student who never stopped attending school full time… how much would you earn. Likely nothing. You’re too busy learning to earn.

Do Before Learning? The Six-Figure Hack

When does a college student start making money? When they leave school (graduating or not, doesn’t matter) and start working.

So why do we think our online marketing businesses are any different?

When you put education in front of ‘doing,’ you’re a perpetual wannabe marketer.

But when you put the doing first, you’re building a business.

It’s a simple mind-shift that can take you from broke to six figures.

I’m not saying you should stop learning – not at all…

What I am saying is you should devote your best hours to working on your business. And devote your ‘spare time’ to learning.

Of course, sometimes you’ll need a crash course in something. Like when you try to build your first squeeze page. This is when you go to Google or YouTube, find a video that walks you through what you need to know, and do it as you follow along with the video. Yes, you’re learning. But you’re doing it in context with working on your business.

Bottom Line: There is a point when you have to put all the courses and programs aside and get busy doing something. And while you’re actively engaged in that, don’t learn anything unless it directly relates to what you’re doing.

Think of doing as your full time activity, and learning as something you do during off hours. You’ll make a lot more money that way.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Create a 2021 Marketing Plan for Success

It’s a New Year – time to plan your best year ever! And before you groan and run away, get excited because we’re going to make this the easiest, speediest marketing plan ever!

Create a 2021 Marketing Plan for Success

After all – if you have to spend a week tediously writing out a 50 page plan – seriously, will you do it?


But anyone can take a few minutes and plan out how they are going to double, triple or quadruple their income over the next 12 months.

Ready? Let’s get started:

1. Choose a goal. A big, fat, hairy, audacious goal is good, just as long as you BELIEVE you can reach the goal. Your deadline to reach this goal will be December 31st, 2021.

2. What are the strategies you’ll use to achieve this goal? You don’t have to know every step right now. But you do need to have a basic plan.

3. Tactics: what are 3 to 5 things you need to do to implement your strategy? For example, build a website, open social media accounts, create a lead magnet to build your list, etc.

4. The to-dos: these are the steps you’ll take to implement each of the tactics in #3 above. For example, to create a lead magnet you might write these steps: Brainstorm topics, choose one, do research, write/create lead magnet.

5. Timeline: How long it will take to complete each step, with deadlines.

Now create your 6 month goals. This is the halfway point between the first of the year and reaching your goals. This will let you know what you must accomplish by June 30th to be on track.

Next, create 3 month and 9 month goals. These are your quarter year marks, and again they tell you what you need to accomplish by those dates – March 31st and September 30th – to be on track.

Finally, create goals for January 31st and February 28th to also stay on track.

When it’s time, you’ll do the same on April 1st for April 30th and May 31st, and so on.

Finally, create a budget so you know how much money you’ll need, especially in the first 3 months. If you structure this correctly, your budget for the remaining 9 months will come out of profits.

That wasn’t so hard, was it?

Now you have a real plan on how you’re going to make 2021 your best year ever.

The only thing left to do is follow your plan and success is yours. Here’s to your advancement and growth in 2021 and beyond!

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Hot diggitty money-dancing DOG you just made a SALE!

Anyone who is using The 30 Minute Workday™ knows that subject line. For those that don’t you are missing out. I am making money with The 30 Minute Workday™ aka The Escape Plan and so can YOU!

If you want to see proof just shoot me an email and I will show you the money. Well the checks anyway.

I want to do everything that I possibly can to make sure that you get the freedom that you’re looking for. In case you didn’t get the Never Shared Formula Used since the Beginning of the Internet to Create INSTANT and Ongoing CashFlow…  and where It Works 100% of The Time You Use it, you can now get it for FREE!!!

You’re Just a Click Away from Launching into the Money Making FREEDOM You’ve Been Dreaming of!

Yes… I Want FREEDOM Faster Click Here!

Don’t let anything stop you!

You’ve been waiting your entire life for it to be made this easy for you to achieve your dreams!

Get your income streams set up TODAY, or you can have them do it for you. I will help you get set up if you need it, just ask.

Yes… I Want FREEDOM Faster Click Here!

Once you do… all you have to do is send the daily email that is provided to you… send to the leads that you’ll get when you push the traffic button… and then everything else is done for you!

You just collect the commissions like the subject line says and enjoy the freedom.

It is really as simple as…




Yes… I Want FREEDOM Faster Click Here!

If there is anything else that I can help you with, please let me know.


P.S.  You can Work Less and Live More.  And remember… your dream lifestyle is always just 30 minutes away!

7 Quick Money Tips to Online Writing

Are you an article writer, blogger or maybe an e-book writer?  If so, how long does it take you to write? Do you wish that you could write quicker, but without having to compromise the quality of your work? Remember Time = Money!

If you are looking to make money using one of these methods there are several different approaches that you can use to write quicker, while keeping the quality of your work the same or even improving it. Just a few of these methods, seven to be exact, are outlined below.

(1)        Comfort – If you would like to write quicker, you need to find a setting that you feel comfortable in. In addition to actually feeling comfortable, you need to be comfortable. Whether you want to work from your bed, the beach or by the pool, you are advised to do so. You are also urged to dress comfortably. When writers are comfortable, they can not only work quicker, but also produce better work. 

(2)        Distractions – All distractions need to be eliminated. Although this may seem difficult, it doesn’t have to be. For instance, if you are a work-at-home parent, you can try sending your child to daycare, even if it is only one day a week. You can also try working during nap times or even at night, after your child has gone to sleep.  The elimination of distractions is a great way to write quicker.  In fact, it is also known to reduce or completely eliminate the chances of developing writers block.

(3)        Typing – Do you consider yourself to be fast at typing? If you type less than fifty words per minute (wpm), you may want to think about taking an online typing class. One of the many problems that e-book writers face is that their fingers don’t go as fast as their minds do. Once your typing improves to a quicker speed, you may notice a significant improvement in the amount of time that it takes you to write.

(4)        Outlines – If you are an e-book writer who currently doesn’t use an outline, you may want to think about doing so. Outlines are relatively easy to develop and they have an unlimited number of benefits. One of those benefits is that you know exactly what to write and how to write it.  This means that you can just focus on writing and not necessarily thinking about your next step. This, alone, can save you a considerable amount of time. 

(5)        Spell Check – Spell check, without a doubt, is important to any e-book, article or blog. That is why it is important that you do it, but you may want to write first and spell check later. If you use a program like Microsoft Word, all of your misspelled words will be highlighted and waiting for you. For that reason, you are advised to wait until the end, doing so will eliminate small breaks; breaks that may bring on a case of writer’s block.

(6)        Proofreading – As with spell checking, proofreading is extremely important.  Many e-book authors like to proofread after writing a chapter or a paragraph. If possible, you are urged not to do this. You may want to write now and proofread later. Once you get on a roll with writing, you may not want to stop. In the end, you may find that it results in you being able to finish your work quicker.

(7)        Time – You are advised to not worry about time. Even if you are on a deadline, you are urged to take your time and not think about it. Worrying about just how much time it takes you to write will have a negative impact on your work. In fact, it is likely to result in more mistakes. Those mistakes take time to fix. If you are looking to write quicker, you should try focusing on your writing, rather than time itself. You may be surprised just how much it helps!

The above mentioned quick writing tips are just a few of the many that exist. As you likely already know, what works for someone else, might not work for you. With that in mind, you are still advised to give the above mentioned approaches a try. What do you have to lose? Writing faster is a lot easier than many people think. If you put your mind to it, you could be writing faster in no time at all and if you are just writing ad copy or blog article for your online business this will help you make more money quickly.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

5 Powerful Social Media Marketing Hacks

These are super easy to pull off, yet so effective you’ll be kicking yourself for not using them sooner…

5 Powerful Social Media Marketing Hacks

LinkedIn: See Restricted LinkedIn Search Results

When you search for people on LinkedIn, you might not see the search results you’re looking for. This is because results can be restricted based on your membership level.

But there is a way around this…

The majority of LinkedIn profiles are indexed on Google.

Thus all you have to do is search Google to find what you’re looking for, like this:

Site:linkedin.com “name of person”

And let’s say you’re looking for social media managers in New York. Type this into Google:

Site:linkedin.com//pub “social media manager” New York

Now you can find the information LinkedIn is hiding from you.


Twitter: Send Tweets Longer Than 140 Characters

No, I don’t mean send readers to another site to see what you have to say. We’re going to keep our readers right there on Twitter by doing this:

Send out your tweet just like normal, ending it with a (…) or a cliffhanger.

For example,

“Did you know you can send out a Tweet that’s longer than 140 characters? First you tweet like usual. Then…”

Reply to your own tweet from your own stream. Seriously. Remove your @name so you don’t look like you’re talking to yourself (which would be weird!) Like this:

“…you reply to your own tweet in your Twitter stream. Remove the mention of your name and finish your tweet.”

Visitors see either tweet in your stream, click on ‘view conversation’ and see the full length tweet.

Facebook: Reduce Attack Posts and Salty Comments

The Internet can be a rowdy place, especially in social media. But if you go to the Page Moderation section of Page Settings, you’ll get some relief.

Simply enter common inflammatory words such as “unlike,” “clickbait,” “idiot” and so forth. Then when a banned word is used, the comment will be hidden from the general public.

The comment still appears to the person who left it who is none the wiser. And their friends will be able to see it as well, but no one else.

You can also hide comments from trolls after they’re posted. The troll will still see the comment, so unless he compares his account with someone else’s he’ll never know the comment is hidden.

And it’s better than deleting the comment and banning the troll, since they’ll then email you and complain you’re stepping on their freedom of speech.

YouTube: Research What Viewers Want

It can be difficult to move viewers off of YouTube and onto your website. But now you can use YouTube cards to poll your audience and find out what they really love.

Ask the right questions and you’ll discover what will make them go to your website and opt-in to your mailing list. Then simply present them with the strong call to action they need, and they’re yours.

Any Social Media Platform: Vastly Increase Your Social Media Followers

Share for Share or Shoutout for Shoutout (S4S) is basically forming mutually beneficial partnerships with other people in your niche.

You post each other’s content with a reference back to them. Sort of like emailing your list to tell them about another email marketer (also called a solo ad) only it’s done reciprocally on social media. And it costs nothing because you are doing it for each other.

But what if you’re new to the platform? If you have social clout on other platforms, you might do a cross promotion in which you promote them on your established platform and they promote you on your new platform. And the best thing about this technique is it works on any social media platform, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and so forth.

There you have it – 5 genuine social media hacks that can make a real difference in your marketing. Pick your favorite and start using today.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Blog Posting is Easy Money Because…

Believe it or not, but it’s actually possible to make money from blogging. One teenager has, in fact, earned $5,000 a month just from making posts on his blog!

Keeping people interested in your blog, whether it is a business or personal blog, is key to attracting a lot of regular visitors. Many blogs have died because people have just lost interest. The main reason for the lack of interest is simply a lack of posts by the blogger. Regular, frequent posting, which will boost your blog’s ranking in search engines, is essential to the survival of any blog and an excellent source of passive income.

You might be asking yourself, what is frequent posting? How many blog entries should I make on a given week? How do I make frequent consistently good posts? What are the reasons for me to post frequently? Let’s get after it right now…

What is frequent posting?

Frequent blog posting is posting enough to keep your readers interested. Obviously, people will not want to come back to a blog that hasn’t been updated in months. They want to see consistent posting so that they know coming back to check the blog next week to see if there are more posts won’t be a waste of time.

How many blog entries should I make each week?

This is one of the tougher questions to answer. It really depends on the purpose of your blog. If it’s a personal blog, a weekly or twice weekly update is an excellent idea. A political/sports/music/religion blog should have 3-4 posts per week. Business blogs should have at least 2 posts, but preferably 4 each week, something like every other day if possible.

The thing to remember is that quality counts. Posting frequently just for the sake of posting frequently tends to result in subpar posts which people won’t care about. It is important to find a balance—frequent, quality posts that won’t result in burnout on your part but enticing people to read your blog. Why create 4 poor quality posts each week when you could post 2 quality posts per week and get results from your business blog?

How do I create quality postings on a consistent basis?

It’s all about following a consistent pattern of writing. Maybe you’re not a natural writer and this is difficult. That’s why we’ll give you an outline to help you. Of course you can always outsource but perform your due diligence first. Remember you want quality information.

1.         Pick a topic that is interesting to you and to your readers. Maybe if your blog is a business blog, you could write about the latest happenings in affiliate marketing.

2.         Carefully think about what you’ll write about the topic. It makes it easy to make quality blog postings if you know exactly what you’ll write. Plot out everything about the post before even beginning to write it.

3.         Before writing your content, pick out some keywords that are relevant to your blog. If you naturally use keywords throughout your post, you will please search engine spiders which will get your blog ranked higher on search engines. Your visitors won’t mind the use of keywords if they are used in a tasteful way.

4.         Begin writing your post. Don’t limit yourself to a particular amount of words per se but I always shoot for a minimum of 500 words. Just do what’s natural. And if any blog post is hard for you, just take a timeout and relax. You should be able to finish the post a bit later on, after you’ve had some time to think things through, you should be able to finish the post with no problems.

Why is frequent posting important?

Blogs are meant to be outlets for individuals or businesses. They are used to get an opinion out on something and to engage readers. Readers need to have something that makes them want to keep coming back to a blog. That something is usually quality, frequent posts.

Gaining and maintaining visitors isn’t the only reason to post often in your blog. Catching the eye of a search engine—and achieving a high ranking—is another valid reason for posting frequently. Most likely, each posting in your blog features some keywords or keyword phrases scattered throughout it. Logic says that the more natural keywords you have on a blog, the better. Thus, the more posts you make on your blog, the more keywords you have on there. And the more keywords you have, the more likely a search engine bot is to crawl your site. The more your site is crawled by bots, the more likely it is that you will have a high ranking on a search engine.

Start monetizing your blog today but it is important to keep in mind that the amount of money you are capable of making depends on how many visitors your blog draws. If you draw a lot of visitors, you’ll make a lot of money. If not, the money you earn will be modest. But it’s still extra money, so why not do it!

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

This Subject Line Increases Opens 61.8%

20 Hot Tips for Hot Subject Lines that Get Opened

Obviously if the subject line of your email doesn’t get the open, it’s all over. No clicks. No sales. No anything. But with the right subject line, you can get your readers to open and devour your emails. Here then are 20 eye-opening tips for subject lines that get results…

This Subject Line Increases Opens 61.8%

Short is better

40% of emails are opened on mobile, and they’ll get cut off if they’re too long. Aim for 50 characters or less.

Another reason shorter is better – it’s more eye-catching. Compare these two subject lines and ask yourself which would catch your eye:


“Warning, that early morning habit of yours might be causing a serious problem”

For the best of both worlds, consider this… with most email programs, you can place “Warning!” in the subject line, and use “That early morning habit of yours might be causing a serious problem” as the first line of the email, which will show up as preview text.

As always, test.

Still don’t believe that shorter is better?

According to Contact Monkey, subject lines with 3 or more words are opened 15% less than those with 1-2 words.

Don’t get cute

Some emailers like to begin their subject lines with “fw:” because they believe it increases open rates. But according to Convince and Convert, it actually reduces opens by 17%.

However, Contact Monkey also reports that the top five subject lines in their recent study all included “Re:” This just goes to show you the importance of testing.

Create urgency

Subject lines that evoke a sense of urgency and exclusivity receive a 22% higher open rate, according to Email Institute. Use deadlines such as “today only” and “12 hour giveaway” to encourage readers to act now.

Do NOT use the word “newsletter”

A study from Adestra found that email subject lines containing the word “newsletter” received an 18.7% decrease in open rates.

Why? Maybe because recipients think it will take too long to read, or they can always read it later; which of course they seldom do.

Use the person’s name in the subject line

Yes, it’s an old school trick. And yes, for a while it seemed like it wasn’t working as well as it did.

But these days, people get so many emails that once again having this little bit of personalization can make a difference. In fact Adestra found that personalized subject lines were 22.2% more likely to be opened.

Just don’t do it every time or it will lose its effectiveness.

Words to avoid –

“Meeting” reduced opens by 7% according to Sidekick.
“Quick” reduced opens by 17%.
“You” reduced opens by 5%.

Words to use –

“Tomorrow” increased opens by 10% according to Sidekick.
“Free” increased opens by 10%.

Test to find the right sender name

If the recipient doesn’t recognize the sender name or doesn’t have a positive association to it, the email likely won’t get opened. If your business name implies a benefit “Your Best Body” then try sending from that name, as well as “Joe Smith, Your Best Body” and your full name “Joe Smith.” See which one gets the most opens and then stick with that.

Never use noreply@yoururl.com as your sender name

It creates a terrible impression, looks anything but personable, and prevents recipients from adding it to their address book.

Use list segmentation

You don’t want to send news of your children’s clothing sale to a guy who only purchased men’s work shirts. Personalize each person’s experience according to the action they’ve taken – which list they’ve joined and which product they’ve purchased.

Who says you need a subject line?

According to Sidekick, emails with no subject line were opened 8% more than those with a subject line. But use this trick sparingly, if at all. And remember, preview text will be visible, so make it good.

Make readers feel like they’re on the inside

The psychology of exclusivity is a prime motivator. Give your subscribers a sense of belonging to your group, your tribe or your inside circle.

In other words, make them feel special with subject lines like this:

– “An exclusive offer just for you”
– “My personal gift to you”
– “For members only, you’re invited!”
– “Private: For beloved customers ONLY.”

3 words to use

Using the words “Sale,” “Video” or “New” in subject lines boost open rates.

Don’t bait and switch

Any promise made in the subject line needs to be fulfilled in the email.

For example, don’t put “27 Free Ebooks” in your subject line, and then try to sell them 27 Ebooks which will ‘seem like they’re free because they’ll make you so much money.’

I’ve actually received this email – and unsubscribed because of it.

Tell them what’s inside – and make it good

Did they just join your list to get a free book? Then your subject line might be, “Your new ebook inside!”

Are you announcing a new service that is perfect for them? “Joan, this service is tailor-made for you.”

Use numbers

“Increase your traffic 200%” is better than “How to increase your traffic.”

Use action verbs

Think of a subject line as a call to action – you want the language to inspire people to click on the email. By starting with an action verb, you’ve got a much greater chance of motivating them to click.

For example, which of these stimulate you to want to know more… “Notice: The New Nissans are here” or “Drive a Brand New Nissan Today”?

“Daily’ and “Weekly” in subject lines boost open rates

But the word “Monthly” hurts them, according to Adestra.

Oh yes…

The subject line word that increased opens by 61.8% according to Adestra?

Believe it or not, it’s the word “alert.”

Again, don’t over use it, but instead reserve it for those times when it really, really counts.

You motivated your readers to open your email with a great subject line, but now what?

It’s all about your first sentence. And your second, and your third… You’ve heard how the purpose of the first sentence in a sales letter is to get them to read the second, and the second is to get them to read the third. Treat your emails the same way, like every sentence counts. Because it does.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Avoid Email Marketing Mistakes to Make Money

Email marketing can be very effective for promoting your online business. It can be a little tricky though and it is easy to make some common email marketing mistakes if you don’t know the right methods to use.

This can be frustrating for you as an email campaign will cost you money, yet not generate any additional sells for you. Here are some common email marketing mistakes and pitfalls you need to be aware of. It will make your marketing strategies more effective and hence make you more money.

Potential customers want to feel like they are a person to your business, not just a statistic. Take the time to address each email personally or make sure they can reach you personally if they have any questions. Always follow up with your customers in a timely manner as giving great customer service will go a long way. You will also get a much better response then something addressed to ‘Dear Customer”. Don’t use dollar signs in your email marketing campaign. It is a turn off to consumers who view it as you only want their money. Try and avoid using email marketing during the Holidays unless you are offering a Holiday special for your customers. Customers are flooded with them and yours won’t stand out. People are too busy and stressed to relax and read email that is not personal or important at this time of year. Let’s just say it is a risk and may not be the best use of your marketing time.

Customers don’t have a lot of patience! Your email message SUBJECT needs to jump out at them the moment they see it so they will want to open it. Put the most enticing information first with the other details further down. They are more likely to read the entire email message if you get their attention from the start, as each consumer is different. If you are using an html in your email don’t assume the email will open up the same in every type of email service. You will need to test it out for each popular email service. Always give the consumer the option of opening the email in either html or plain text.

Confidentiality is very important to your customers and potential customer. Make sure your email sign up clearly states that you will not sell their information and that it will be kept confidential and secure. You will be surprised how many people won’t sign up for your email promotions or give you their email address if you don’t offer this bit of information. There are rules and regulations out there regarding what you can

and can’t do when it comes to email marketing. Make sure you are familiar with those laws and never spam anyone. Laws can vary by country so if you do global marketing make sure you check the regulations for each area you will be sending them to. Failure to do so can lead to huge fines or removal of your online business.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you know what your customers want. If you really want to know what they are after then take the time to ask. Be open to their comments, questions, suggestions, and concerns. As mentioned before letting them know you are available for such customer service is a great way to earn their loyalty. It is easy to sell something to a consumer but much harder to please them so they will come back again and again.

If you are new to email marketing, consult with a professional or a mentor. This will make the entire process flow easier for you as well as yield better results. Are you afraid to spend a large amount of your revenue on marketing? Consider working with an email marketing broker/consultant. This means you only pay them for the actual positive results the email marketing campaign brings you. They will be paid based on the traffic they generate for your site or the amount of new sales resulting from the email marketing campaign. Make sure whatever method you choose it is clear to both parties and in writing. Make sure the time frame that you will receive your traffic and how it is tracked is clear. I could write another article on how and who to pay for solo ads that actually get you results.

Remember you don’t want unhappy subscribers to your email marketing campaigns. The laws require you to offer a link where customers can unsubscribe. While you want to do all you can to keep them reading your emails, it is important to respect their wishes and remove them from the mailing list immediately. They will become very frustrated if they continue to receive them once they have asked to be removed. It can cost you your reputation and future online business. Email marketing can be effective for your online business if you keep these common mistakes from becoming part of your internet marketing plan.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Here’s an OTO Special Offer!

A One Time Offer, or OTO, is basically a type of marketing strategy where the seller offers a one time only- special offer to their prospects, or customers. In other words, it is a page where you propose to your customers a highly enticing one time only deal which they just can’t refuse.

This is a highly effective marketing technique which can result in some heavy cash flow. You can do this with people who have just bought something from you or with people who have just opted into your squeeze page.

The idea behind this marketing technique is to create a sense of urgency in the mind of the buyer, which will then result in a impulsive purchase of the product. The best OTO is the one that will make the customer feel guilty about leaving the website without purchasing your offer.

Where to put your one time offer, you ask? Well, the best place to place it is right after they buy the actual (main) product. This will capture the buyer in a “buying” mood, which will then increase their chances of purchasing your one time offer. You should present your OTO at a discounted price; this way your customers feel like they’ll be saving money by purchasing it and getting a great deal.

There are two types of OTO’s that you can use. First is known as a Complementary OTO. Let’s say, that the main product which you are selling is about article marketing. Now, as an OTO you are going to sell a product that complements your main product. It could be something like an eBook that will teach them how to write effective articles.

The second type of OTO is the Supplementary OTO. In this case, let’s say you are selling a eBook that teaches about Forex trading. Now, with a supplementary OTO, you can sell them Master Resell Rights to the book for an additional fee. It can also be some form of an upgrade that you might offer, like maybe some helpful videos.

Either way, OTO’s are great way to create extra income, while offering something of value to your customer at a great deal. This will not only give you buyers, but it will give you a list of LOYAL buyers. Make sure to put OTO’s in your sales funnels!

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

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