Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Author Archive | Joseph

The Growing Popularity of Having an Online Business

With today’s economy it is no wonder those suffering to make ends meet can suffer a lot of financial problems. So it should come as no surprise why people are always looking for ways to make more money and get rid of all the stress that comes with not being able to pay your bills or buy the things you want or need.

This is why thousands of people are turning to the internet. The growing popularity of having an online business makes the internet a great place to start your own online home business. Starting an online business can allow you to generate the kind of income you want without all the hassle and financial commitment of opening a brick and mortar store.

Online businesses have a lot of advantages over their real world counterparts. They are exceptionally cheaper to start up, only requiring a couple hundred bucks at most to start (you can try doing many tasks for free if you really have your heart set on it but putting in a little money makes it go faster.)

As well online businesses are easier to manage, as you only really have to worry about yourself and the work and time you are putting into your business. You can work when and where you want, not being tied down by set hours. Working online has a lot of perks and all you need is a decent internet connection so yes working from the beach is a possibility.

But these perks also tend to give people the wrong idea. Many people go in with the wrong mindset, thinking that they can put in the bare minimum of work and/or investment money and then get rich overnight. While working online has it’s advantages, never forget that it is still a business just the same as any other and you must treat it as a business. If you do not work your home business and devote time to it your online business will not grow and be successful.

Starting your own online business does not necessarily require a lot of time but it will require some effort on your part to be successful. Your online business is not hard hard work in the sense that it doesn’t need to be time consuming and technical but you do need to devote some time and resources to make money. Stop and think about all the work that goes into starting up a real world business, well a lot of that work fortunately doesn’t transfer over to the internet world that’s why it is such a benefit to start your own home online business. You may still have to make a product, definitely advertise that product and get customers but there are ways to automate a lot of these tasks to greatly increase your chances of success.

If you just make yourself a website and forget about it, your online business will not grow and make you any money. And this is where so many people fail. They poke at their home business with a stick for a couple weeks, do not see any money come in and quit. If you do not take this seriously you will fail and you should not give up.

However if you spend your time working diligently and consistently to grow and expand your online business, then you will start generating noticeable income within a few months.

Once your online business is growing and making money, it is very easy to manage. The hard part is getting it to that point and being patience. Once your online business is actually making money all you have to do is spend a few hours a week managing it and keeping it going smoothly.

Another fun fact about online businesses is that you are not limited to one. Once you set up your online business, get it running and making money, you can then go and set up another one and diversify. By doing this you can continue to grow your income until you are getting the kind of money you are satisfied with and have multiple streams of income.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

One Promise is All You Need to Make it Big

Which of these two products would you most likely buy: “How to sell stuff using Facebook ads”… Or: “How to make 461 affiliate sales totaling $8,384 in commissions in the next 72 hours using $112 of Facebook ads”? The second one, right?

One Promise is All You Need to Make it Big

How about these two…

“How I lost weight”


“How I lost 93 pounds in 6 months and went on to win 2 bodybuilding championships at the age of 42”

Of course, it’s the second one that gets your attention.

Why is that?

Because the second titles are exact and precise, which is exactly what people buy.

Vague isn’t interesting. It isn’t sexy. And it doesn’t make sales.

To be clear here, we’re not just talking about having great titles. That’s crucial of course, but so is this:

Base your products around just ONE main promise.

Compare these two:

“The complete, no-holds-barred, definitive encyclopedia on Facebook Marketing”


“The 3 step formula to selling almost anything on Facebook and making a profit within 24 hours, guaranteed.”

The first one presumably covers everything you could imagine about Facebook marketing.

The second one makes a single, precise promise.

Guaranteed, the second one will outsell the first one 10 times over or more.

Choose one thing and cover it in depth. This is what makes sales. It’s easier and faster to make this type of product. It’s simple to explain in your sales material. And it’s a no-brainer for the customer to grasp.

They know exactly what they can expect, which makes it far easier to get the sale.

And best of all…

…let’s say you’ve got a book/program/software that covers or does a whole range of stuff.

If you break that product down into ‘one promise’ products, you will have more products to sell, and you will sell more of each product.

You might want to read that last sentence again, because it is a million dollar piece of marketing advice if you understand and implement it.

Make the title of your product a single promise. Then go deep, not wide. Rinse and repeat.

Using this method you can crank out a product a week instead of a product every month or two. Frankly, if you work on this full time, you can do even better than that.

And you’ll actually sell more of each product. Paradoxical, maybe. But it flat out works.

One last example:

You’re building a WordPress plugin that does everything but the kitchen dishes.


Break that plugin down into several small plugins, with each plugin delivering on a single promise.

Your marketing just became easy as pie.

Your sales letters and videos will practically write themselves because it’s now so simple. People will better understand what you’re offering. And you will sell TONS more.

Okay, I’ve harped on this enough.

One promise products – be specific – go deep, not wide – rinse and repeat.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Why Slave Away at a Job You Hate

Internet marketing is an ever growing online business market that thousands of people are capitalizing on. Starting an online business is one of the best ways for you to earn the kind of money you want and be your own boss.

Spending all your time slaving away in a job you hate, living paycheck to paycheck and barely making ends meet is not what you really want to do. This is a very unpleasant and a stressful experience so turning to an online business to solve your money problems is an understandable choice.

However because of this, people who turn to the internet for an online business opportunity often go in with the wrong mindset. They go in expecting to put in minimal time and effort and expect to get rich over night. This simply will never happen.

While working online is much better than working a conventional job, it still is kind of a job and it still is a business that needs to be treated as a business. You have to be prepared to devote enough time and effort into your online business in order for it to grow properly and generate the income you desire. But it doesn’t have to be full time. That is the beauty of having your own online business.

To help you achieve your goals there are several tips you can use as guidelines on your road to financial success.

1. Do your due diligence. Find out what exactly you want to promote or sell. Learn the tricks of the trade, dig through forums and article directories to find out all you need to know. Knowledge is power and knowing what you are doing is important.

2. Make a business plan. Even though it is an online business, it is still a business and needs proper planning. Make an outline of what you want to do and then use that list in your work to help you stay focused. Just go down the list, one thing at a time and get them down.

3. Stay focused. A big problem that people face when trying to work online is the lack of focus and get distracted easily. At a conventional job you have a boss breathing down your neck or co-workers that depend on you. However with your own online business you have you and only you.

4. Do not give up. People often get discouraged when working online because they expect fast results. You will not make money overnight and you will take a little time building up your online business before you start making decent money. You just have to remember not to give up and have a little patience. If you keep consistent with your work and make sure you are doing everything you can to grow your online business, then you will eventually start make good money.

Online businesses offer a lot of advantages over conventional businesses, and if you work at it and allow it to grow your online business will make you all the money you need. And while these tips will not paint the whole picture for you, they will give an idea of what you need in order to succeed.

As long as you do not get discouraged and do not give up, you can make money online just like those you have heard of.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

All You Need to Know About Succeeding in Business Can Be Learned from an Octopus

The National Aquarium of New Zealand once reported that Inky the Octopus escaped. The smart 8 legged creature squeezed out of a small gap at the top of his tank, slithered across the floor of the aquarium and used a sea-water runoff pipe to make his way to Hawke’s Bay, and on to freedom.

All You Need to Know About Succeeding in Business Can Be Learned from an Octopus

Octopus are known to be very intelligent and curious, and enjoy pushing boundaries.

If you can, imagine you’re Inky, trapped in that aquarium. You remember what it was like to be free in the ocean, and your big goal is to return to that ocean.

So you study your surroundings. You learn everything you can about the place. When the human captors are watching. When they’re not watching. Where the possible escape routes are.

You notice that water always runs to that small hole in the corner. You think about that – where does the water go? Where does all water go if you’re an octopus? To the ocean, of course. And as you study the situation, you devise a plan to win your freedom.

Then when the time is right, you make a very daring and risky escape.

Remember, you don’t know for certain where that pipe goes.

You don’t know for certain you can make it to the pipe. After all, you’ll be out of your element. You won’t be able to breathe properly again until you get back into water.

You’re taking a really big chance. It would be safer to just stay in the aquarium, eat the free meals and spend the rest of your life lounging about like a lazy couch octopus.

But not you. You want more out of life.

You push up against the heavy lid on the tank and manage to just squeeze out.

You slither down the outside of the tank, across the floor through an element that is totally foreign to you – air.

You reach the pipe. Little do you know that pipe is as long as 5 football fields and full of the foulest smelling stuff you can imagine.

But you don’t stop.

You. Do. Not. Stop until you reach your goal – open water. The ocean. Freedom.

And yes, it is believed that Inky did indeed make it all the way back to the ocean in his daring night time escape.

Now imagine you’re an entrepreneur.

You have a big goal (or at least hopefully you do).

Just like Inky the Octopus, you study the terrain and formulate a plan. You rehearse it in your head. You know you might encounter obstacles along the way, but you have confidence that you’ll deal with those as they come up.

It’s time. You’re nervous and scared, but you’ve got the guts to go for it.

And once you launch, there is no turning back. You are now on your way to something bigger, better, scarier and a whole lot more exciting.

That sure beats watching reruns on TV or going off to a J.O.B., doesn’t it?

5 lessons from Inky:

1. Have a big, daring goal.
2. Learn everything you can that will help you achieve your goal.
3. Formulate a strategy.
4. Fear is just a word. Do it anyway.
5. Execute your strategy like your entire future and your very life depend on it.

Can’t you just see Inky emerging from that pipe into the bay?

Imagine how happy he must have been. From there it was a relatively short, joyful swim to the ocean and total freedom.

Way to go Inky!

And when you reach your big goal, way to go YOU!!!

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Are You Getting the Most from Your Online Efforts

Are you keeping track of your online efforts? Internet marketing is a fairly easy business to learn. Most anyone can learn the skills needed to build a successful online business. You don’t need an MBA but you will need to know how to figure out a few important internet marketing metrics.

You see, with all kinds of internet marketing programs out there you need to be able to determine what works and what doesn’t. Checking your marketing cost, whether the cost is in money and/or time. Your time is money by the way. You can’t afford to waste either one of them on an internet marketing method that isn’t producing results.

This is where internet marketing metrics comes into play. As an online business owner you want to devote your resources only to those activities that actually help you make money. All the other things are just a waste of time and should either be totally eliminated or outsourced to others so you can give your undivided attention to those activities that will increase your bottom line.

Here are just a few of the things you need to be able to monitor to make sure you are getting the most out of all your online efforts:

1. Website traffic. Of course you want to know how much traffic your site is getting but there are many other things you want to be able to follow too. There are the unique visitors vs the repeat visitors.

Knowing where the visitor is coming from as well as where they go when they leave your site. How much time does each visitor spend on your site? What page(s) do they go to?

All of these things will help you get a very complete picture of your website visitors and their behavior. That in turn will enable you to more effectively target them.

2. Knowing where visitors are coming from is also important if you want to know which marketing methods are the most effective. Most internet marketers will use various methods to get visitors to their sites. As I said above, those methods will require either time and/or money and you don’t want to waste either on things that don’t work.

Finding what keywords and marketing methods are really driving traffic to your website is very important. You can throw out those things that don’t work and put more effort into those that are extremely effective.

3. Email marketing is a very effective way of establishing rapport and trust with your website visitors and customers. But, how do you know if your emails are getting opened and read?

What subject lines seem to work and which ones don’t? You need to be able to make changes and monitor the results of each change so you can hone the process down until you have the highest open rate you can get.

I know, if you are just starting out, all of this can sound really confusing. But it’s not, once you get the know how. When you are just starting you will only be concentrating on getting traffic to your website, then you can start to learn how to tweak things to get the absolute best combination of results.

There are also many free tools that can help you with internet marketing metrics. Don’t let it overwhelm you, just take it slow and you will figure it out and be successful. Just stick with it.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Map Out an Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Making a six figure income online seems to be the goal for many internet entrepreneurs but what exactly do you have to do to achieve such an awesome result? Is it even possible? Yes, it is possible and many people have done that very thing. They did it with a completely mapped out internet marketing strategy or in my case affiliate marketing strategy. The biggest danger some people run into is they forget to treat it like what it really is, a BUSINESS that will take some time, a little money and patience for your online business to grow.

The lure of a five or six figure income can make people react so out of character and irresponsibly. It can make them do things they wouldn’t normally do. It’s just weird. If you really want to make that much money online your best bet is to throw out everything you think you know about an online business and start from scratch with your own internet marketing strategy. Having a good proven strategy is half the battle.

For one thing, do not think that there is any system or technique that will make it happen quickly. Of course, the term ‘quickly’ can be somewhat deceptive as automating your strategy can bring results more quickly. Remember there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme. How quick is quick? Most off line businesses don’t even expect to be profitable for at least the first year or two and maybe even longer if they have invested a lot of money into buying a building and equipment.

Working online, your most important job will be to find the best ways to get people to your website. This is obviously called getting traffic to your website and/or offer. There are hundreds of ways you can go about doing this and lots of them are free to do. You just need to learn the methods and you will need to invest some time to test and tweak the methods you choose to get the maximum results.

When you get to the point that you know how to use a certain technique and you know that it will work, the sky is pretty much the limit. You can then start promoting several products and/or services at one time. The more products you can successfully promote the more money you can make.

I think it is pretty easy to see how much potential this can have. When I say that you can make as much money as you want online, I mean it. As long as you do it consistently, treat it like a business, don’t expect something for nothing and are willing to learn as you go, a huge income is practically guaranteed. Oh and never give up as you will have some good weeks and not so good weeks. That is just part of being in business.

By following an internet marketing strategy your extra income is well within reach. Just do yourself a favor and stay away from the products and systems that promise you can make tens of thousands of dollars in your first month. You can make that kind of money but usually not in the first month. What they do not tell you is that it will have the same learning curve as any other system. So, find a good system, learn it, work it, give it time to develop, and you will get there.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

What Secrets Do Only the Wealthy Know?

That’s the question posed in an online forum recently. Answers ran the gamut of the spectrum, but here are the 28 I found especially helpful, in completely random order…

What Secrets Do Only the Wealthy Know?

Become financially educated. Read personal finance management books, starting with Rich Dad Poor Dad. Learn how to budget and how to invest.

Live frugally. If you’re thinking you can’t save more of your money, take a look at homeless people who live on almost nothing. Yes, you can save money. Stop eating out so often. Cancel the cable. Don’t buy a new car. Don’t buy a new used car until you absolutely need one.

Always pay yourself first. Devote the first 10-30% of your pay to savings and investments.

Spend money on assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.) not liabilities (everything that loses value the moment you purchase it). Thinking of buying a new car even though your old one is fine? Take that money and invest it in your business, in stocks, in real estate or something that is an asset. Then buy a good used car in a few years, when you really need one.

Don’t care what people think of you. Your neighbors think you’re poor because you don’t buy new cars? Little do they know that $20,000 you would have spent on a car is now earning you a 10% compound interest rate.

Invest in yourself. Self-education equals new knowledge. Add execution to that new knowledge and you get results. Repeat continuously.

Find ways to help as many people as possible. The more you can help others get what they want, the more money you can make.

Scale. Don’t render services when you can mass produce products. Better to make a $10 profit on a million sales than a $1,000 profit on 100 sales.

Stuck on services? Go upscale. If you’re going to render services, find the niches that pay the most.

Have multiple streams of income. This way if something happens to one, you are still in good shape overall.

Sell stuff. Lots of stuff. Hire others to help you, so that your earnings are no longer tied to your hours.

Always keep the return on investment in mind, whether your investment is time or money.

When you want to buy something, figure out how to make the money. Don’t take money out of your savings to buy a car or a vacation. Instead, figure out how to make the extra money needed to cover the new expense.

Be friends with people who have more money than you. Their mindsets and thought processes will rub off on you. That said, do not try to compete with them – keep the car and house you have now, at least for awhile.

Leverage your abilities to their fullest extent instead of working harder to get ahead. Forget working hard and focus on working smart. For example, a personal coach can create a course and sell it for $297 a million times over, but can only coach a few people one-on-one at any given time.

Take calculated risks. Failure is a part of the journey. If you’re too afraid to fail, you will never take the smart, calculated risks needed to become wealthy.

Use your head more than your heart. Make your financial decisions based on provable fact rather than gut instinct.

If you have a business, work ON it, not in it. Your labor isn’t needed to make the business a success – your ideas and leadership are.

Things like sports and entertainment are simply distractions for the masses. While you’re watching sports and shows 2-6 hours a day, the rich are making million dollar contacts, doing deals and starting businesses. If you get more of whatever you focus on – maybe it’s time to stop focusing on distractions and start focusing on your finances.

Bad decisions are better than no decisions. Any decision that moves you forward is better than total inaction. The key is make decisions quickly and work until you get results.

Confidence and belief in your ability will take you further, faster. The higher your confidence and the more you believe in what you’re doing, the easier it is to bring others on board, to convince buyers and to make money.

Having a lot of money doesn’t change life as much as you think. It’s not a magic shield from illness, tragedy or loss. You’re no smarter for having it (although perhaps wiser if you made the money yourself.) You still have problems, although they might be an entirely new set of problems. On the plus side, you never have to worry about putting food on the table or paying bills, which frees you up to think about bigger things.

People will look at you differently when you are rich. The upside is they respect you more. The downside is most people will want something from you.

It’s best to not flaunt your money, but instead put it to work to make more money. Many millionaires drive beat up cars and live in perfectly average homes. Few people know they are rich and they like it that way.

Don’t buy stuff you don’t need. Rent it, borrow it or do without. And don’t carry a balance on credit cards. Ever.

Never borrow money to make discretionary purchases. Only borrow money to make money.

Start with the end in mind. If you’re starting a company, from day 1 ask yourself what to do to make your company as valuable as possible so you can one day sell it for millions.

Lastly, having money is power. Power to help any charity you choose. Power to help anybody or anyone. Power to make positive changes in your community, positively impact the lives of others and make the world a better place.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

Affiliate Marketing Success from Home

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It always saddens me to see people get taken advantage of and not fulfilling their dreams of making money online. The sad thing is, it is partly their own fault. The truth is that affiliate marketing success can be had by anyone, as long as they avoid some basic mistakes and don’t give up.

It’s easy to set aside your normal common sense when you are desperate, and to tell you the truth, that is what many companies count on. They thrive on taking advantage of desperate and/or greedy people.

If you keep your common sense intact and let it guide you, you can achieve affiliate marketing success much more quickly and with a lot less headaches.

Here is what I mean (oh, and by the way, I made all of these mistakes myself so I know what I’m talking about):

1. Before you start to build your online business, make sure you head is in the right place. If you have a car payment or a house payment due in a few weeks and you think you are going to make enough money with your new online business in that time to pay it, think again. There is no such thing as a get quick rich business but you can make good money over a relatively short period of time.

If that is where you are at, you would be better off trying to find another opportunity. You see, building a business online is faster, cheaper and easier than most anything you could do offline. But, that does not mean it is fast, cheap or easy. It will take some time, effort and a little money to get started.

If you go into it in the wrong mindset (the idea you can get something for nothing) the only thing you will accomplish is to make someone else rich. You will end up buying a ton of products that are making wild claims about how much you can make and you won’t make any money, you will only spend money.

2. You must also accept the idea that you will need to learn some basic skills to be successful online. It’s not hard and you can go in totally blind with no idea of how it all works and be able to build an online business. Make sure the affiliate program you join is legitimate and has a proven training plan you can follow. Most of the legitimate online programs have relatively simple step by step instructions and support for you if you get stuck so don’t despair. You would never get that with an offline business, would you?

3. You have to be willing to allow it to take time. I know, we live in a world where we expect everything to happen quickly but it will take some time. How much time? I can’t tell you, it will depend on how much time and or money you can devote to your business and how quickly you grasp some basic skills.

I would say, though, that if you take some time to learn the basic skills, say about a month or less and you take the time to put those skills to work, say another month or two, you should be able to be making some consistent money at that point. It really isn’t that difficult.

You probably won’t be rich and you may not even be making enough to quit your job yet, but you should be able to see that the method works and your money goals are within reach. Even a few hundred extra dollars a month will help most people out.

These simple tips will help you achieve affiliate marketing success much quicker and with less pain.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

How to Obtain a Link Building Blog

Do you have a link building blog? If not, this is a good time to start putting together a strategy that will get you consistent incoming links to your blog. Incoming links and internal links are extremely important when it comes to getting your site ranked highly in the search engines so it’s something that you’re going to have to dedicate some time (and possibly money) towards but it is not difficult.

There are many ways to get incoming links to your blog. I will mention some of the most important ones below.

Trading blogrolls (lists of links on your blog that lead to other blogs) is one method that people use to get others to link to their site. It’s sort of a “you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours” concept. There are mixed feelings on using this for a couple of reasons. Some people use the blogroll to link to other sites that they feel are valuable for their visitors. Others mainly use them just to include the link and then to have their link on the other person’s blog. This has the potential to become a political nightmare. You need to keep track of who you are allowing in your blogroll and if their blogs maintain a professional and informative status. If you drop anyone from your blogroll, you can rile some people up. On the other hand, you can gain many links fairly quickly with this strategy. It might be something worth trying out in your earlier blog days and then you can decide later on if it’s working for you.

Participating in forums is a great way to get people to link to you. Just include your website URL in your signature when you make a comment or ask a question. Similarly, using your website URL in your email strategy can increase exposure to your site and increased exposure means increased potential for a link building blog. Submitting articles is a sure-fire tried and true method for getting lots of links to your blog. But this one does take some time. If you are an average (or better than average) writer and you have the time to dedicate to writing articles consistently and submitting them consistently, this is a great way to gain status and links. Here you just have to make sure that you don’t submit duplicate content. Many article directories can help you change various phrases within your content so that you can submit many different articles with different keywords instead of just the one original article that you’ve created. A similar sort of concept involves you writing as a guest on other blogs. Just sign-up as a guest blogger for a professional, authoritative blog and you will see more and more people linking back to your blog. Publishing videos on YouTube and then linking them back to your blog in your video description is a great way to get more traffic and more incoming links to your blog too. Plus, it puts in a little fun as you go down the road towards obtaining a link building blog!

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

If You Had To Make a Million Dollars in the Next 12 Months…

…how could you do it?

I’ve come up with not just one, but potentially 4 different ways to make a million dollars in 12 months.

If You Had To Make a Million Dollars in the Next 12 Months...

Not an easy task, but it’s certainly possible. And if you only do 1/10th as good, that’s still $100,000.

First, before anything else is even considered, you need to find yourself a very important reason WHY you want to make a million dollars in 12 months.

The stronger your reason, and the more often you play out that reason in your head, the better your odds of achieving your goal, regardless of which method you choose.

Now then:

Method 1: The Chris Sacca Method

Chris initially became a millionaire by leveraging $10-20 thousand dollars into 12 million dollars by taking advantage of a flaw used by online trading brokers.

When the market crashed, Sacca found himself $4 million in debt. He negotiated to have it reduced, and then paid off the balance in no time.

So how did he earn his next millions? That’s the method I’ll cover here.

Of course, if you do happen to find a flaw in online trading software that you can take advantage of, terrific. Otherwise, you might try copying Chris’ second method:

Sacca created a fake company, complete with a great looking website and business cards.

Frankly, your company doesn’t have to be fake, it can simply be new. Make sure you choose an impressive sounding name like the Sadlias Group.

Now get tickets to every networking event in your field. Go to these events and network like crazy, making contacts with entrepreneurs.

Look for people who want to change the world, and find ways to help them make that change.

Introduce yourself and – get this – offer to help them out for free.

That’s right, for free. Do you want to stand apart from everyone else at that event? Do you want them to remember you, contact you and work with you? Offer to help them for free.

Using this method, Sacca became one of Twitter’s first four investors.

Even if this method doesn’t make a million in a year, it will make your life interesting, exciting and highly relevant. You’ll find outstanding mentors to help you along.

And you’ll make contact with investors who can back you when you decide to start your company for real.

Take notes along the way, so when you do make your first millions, you can write your tell-all book letting people know the inside story of how you did it.

Method 2: Day Trading

This is a great way to make money fast. And it’s an even better method to lose money even faster.

You’ve got to be good. You’ve got to know what you’re doing. And you’ve got to leave all emotion and ‘gut instinct’ behind as you follow proven, trusted methods that work.

Frankly, it can take you 2-3 years of daily practice just to get good at this.

Then again, you might have the capability to make a million in the first year. It is completely possible, just not highly likely.

If you choose this method, invest in the best education and hundreds of hours of practice trading.

Your best shot: Start with $10,000, margin it to $30,000, and find 180 trades that will return 2% or more in 1 to 2 days.

Easy? No. Doable? Possibly.

Method 3: Sales Funnel

Build the best sales funnel you can – everything from a free product to get subscribers onto your list, to a $10,000 product you sell to your best customers and everything in between.

Think about this: To earn a million dollars, you can sell any of the following:

– 1,000,000 products for $1 apiece
– 100,000 products for $10 apiece
– 10,000 product3 for $100 apiece
– 1,000 products for $1,000 apiece
– 100 products for $10,000 apiece
– 10 products for $100,000 apiece
– 1 product for $1,000,000

Look at Dollar Shave Club and you’ll see they’ve chosen the first option on this list – selling a $1 product to millions of guys.

But if you have an effective sales funnel, you can take those $1 customers and upsell them to your $10 offer, your $100 offer and so forth.

Once you start selling $1,000 products, it no longer takes massive sales to reach that magical million dollar mark.

Things to remember – focus more on what people WANT than what they need.

Sell them the way they want to be sold.

Make the entire experience fun and easy for the customer.

Whenever possible, find ways to make your messages go viral, even if there is no immediate pay off.

Your primary goal is to get as many qualified people onto your list as possible.

Your next goal is to move them up the sales funnel by always giving them great value for the money.

Do these two things and your final goal of making a million will take care of itself.

Method 4: Sales

If you’re already good at sales, or you can acquire sales skills fast enough, AND you have the right product to sell, then you can make a million dollars in a year.

Obviously you want to sell very high ticket items with lots of commission. And of course already having a sales background will be a tremendous help, if not a necessity.

If you want to take this route and you’re willing to wait two years, it becomes much more likely you will succeed.

Spend the first year becoming great at sales. Study sales techniques, get a great mentor, work in sales 10-12 hours a day.

And during your first year, find out what kinds of products pay the most in commissions. Make contacts in those industries and get yourself a job where you can make the most money.

Then spend your second year making that money.

It will take plenty of hard work, but it will be worth it.

Method 5: ??

These first four methods should get you thinking.

And maybe, just maybe you’re got an even better idea.

Like creating the next social network, winning the lottery, doing one million dollar deal… there are plenty of ways to make lots of money.

The trick is to pick the one that works for you, and then work it tenaciously until you succeed.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

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