Every now and then I like to show an offline method of making money. As a bonus, it gives you an “in” with local businesses by offering them a very low cost way to advertise.
Once you’ve signed them up for this service, you can then offer other services, such as website development and SEO.
Here’s the case study in a nutshell:
While waiting in line to prepay for gas, this guy notices that no customer – including himself – remembers what their pump number is.
They all have to turn around, crane their necks and stare out the window to figure it out.
So this guy goes home and develops a map of the gas station layout on his laptop. He then goes back to the gas station and speaks to the owner.
He offers to make a professional looking, laminated version for the countertop so customers can point to where their car is.
And of course this map will include tasteful ads promoting local businesses.
The gas station owner has 4 stations in all. They agree to split profits 50/50 on the advertising.
Our guy gets advertisers for all 4 locations signed up within the week. 8 ads per map, 4 maps, $25 per ad per week, payable for a month at a time.
That’s $3,200 that he splits with the station owner.
And of course that’s $3,200 per month. Naturally he could do the same for other gas stations, as well as any other potential ad space.
And if you think about it – EVERYTHING is potential ad space.
Using this simple technique, you can make some quick cash and also get your foot in the door to provide many other online services for your new brick and mortar customers.
So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…
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